Most of the images on this web page are not edited (as in no blemishes and marks have been removed and the skin has not been artificially enhanced in photoshop), so a very natural representation of what I capture with my camera. SOOCs as we call them.
Not to say that I have extremely good capabilities in photoshop but then the satisfaction of getting an image right in the camera is beyond explanation.
The images do not follow any specific sequence, and just have been sprayed there to give you a glimpse into my creations. This by no means is a whole account and representation of what all I shoot or can shoot.
I have probably a range that is many times broad and varied. I teach photography for living and also travel intensively now to capture much more. I have some deep skills in lighting and I would really love to invite some students to be mentored. Join me for my photo expeditions, travels, workshops and shoots.
Visit iifp.com.au for more details.
Meanwhile, just keep scrolling…..